■ J is away for porker
This morning J went to see his friends. They're going to pick a guy from Calgary up at the airport, play golf, and play porker at night. I went to Starbucks with J as usual this morning then helped him pack for tonight then did whatever I needed to do. I went out for shopping to Home outfitters to get something for my aunt and father's visiting. Need to buy list is: - sofa throws - dubet - pillows - cutlery tray - rag for the living room - dining chair cusions
What I got today were sofa throws and dubet. Both were great price and I got 30% off from total! I gotta go back to the shop anytime soon. I finally picked some pictures from picture stack that holds all J and my memories of last 13 years and framed them. Those frames look really nice on the fire place now :)
When I was relaxing on the sofa with the new throws, My aunt phoned me from Japan and she asked about what kind of souvenir we want. Her idea is kakejiku or tubo. Ummm I think tubo is a great idea since we haven't bought any small pieces like paintings to decorate our rooms but I just worry about them carrying such a heavy thing from Japan. Anyways, we laughed and were happy together and I promised her to call her in May before their visiting.